Analysis on women's perception of the papanico!aou test and breast exam in a basic healthcare unit
Breast self-examination, Early diagnosis, Vaginal smearsAbstract
The purpose of this study was firstly to analyze and understand how women perceive their participation in prevention and early diagnosis through the Papanicolaou test, and both breast self- and clinicai examination. ln addition, the objective was to identify the difficulties perceived by such women in facing the abovementioned exams.
The study was performed in a basic hea/thcare unit in the municipality of Botucatu (SP), and the sample was composed of 30 women aged 25 to 60 years. The interviews were accomplished through guided questions on the women 's participation in performing preventive exams. The theoretica/ framework used for analysis of the obtained descriptions was that based on the col/ective subject's discourse.
The central ideas in the women's discourse indicated a perception of prevention and early diagnosis, and revealed difficulties in periodical/y performing the exams. Feelings related to fear, shame, cancer stigma, forgetfulness and the absence of symptoms were the main factors perceived as difficulties. The women showed to be aware of the responsibility for se/f care, but a/so that they sti/1 need c/arification concerning self-examination techniques.
The resu/ts showed the need for differentiated action by hea/thcare professionals, which inc/udes their involvement and respect for patients' privacy as we/1 as their intervention in arder to help break taboos by means of educational actions related to prevention and early diagnosis.
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