Extraction and validation of scientific data for the identification of publications in open access journals


Palabras clave:

Data integration, Directory of Open Access Journals, Lattes Platform, Open access


This work aims to identify articles published in open access journals registered in the Lattes Platform curricula. Currently, the
curricular data from the Lattes Platform has been the source of several studies that adopt bibliometric metrics to understand
scientific evolution in Brazil. However, when registering a publication in a curriculum, only basic information from the magazine
is informed. Therefore, to quantify the publications made in open access journals, a strategy is proposed that uses data from
the Directory of Open Access Journals, validating the publications and, thus, obtaining a process that allows identifying
which publications were made in this communication format. Therefore, using the proposed methodology, which has a low
computational cost, it was possible to quantify in an unprecedented way the publications of Brazilians in open access journals
registered in the curricula of the Lattes Platform. In addition, having the authors’ data of the publications, it was possible to
understand how these authors are geographically distributed in the country, what their areas of operation are and how they
have published the results of their research in open access. It is noteworthy that they are generally published in Portuguese and
English. Over the last few years, the representativeness of publications in open access journals has increased.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


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Cómo citar

Dias, P. M., Rodrigues Dias, T. M., Moita, G. F., & Pinto, A. L. (2022). Extraction and validation of scientific data for the identification of publications in open access journals. Transinformação, 34, 1–12. Recuperado a partir de https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/6478



Data and Information in Online Environments