Junior postdoctoral fellows’ commitment in the field of Biological Sciences in Brazil

Bibliometric analysis



Scientific development, Bibliometric indicators, Researchers


Much has been said about the importance of scientific performance indicators for the growth and development process of countries. Given this scenario, the present work aims to analyze junior postdoctoral fellows’ commitment in some fields of Biological Sciences (botany, biochemistry, pharmacology, and ecology) in Brazil. This research is classified as descriptive for its aim, by using bibliometrics to analyze the data found. The performance of 97 junior postdoctoral fellows with current fellowships on the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development website was analyzed by using the Scopus database. The results obtained show that São Paulo is the Brazilian state that has the largest number of fellows (20.62%), and the University of São Paulo the institution with the largest number of fellows (12.37%). Botany plays an important role as an acting area in the field of Biological Sciences, with the largest number of articles indexed in the Scopus database, with an average of 10.63 articles per researcher. The field of ecology has the highest annual average of publications, representing an average of (1.56) publications per year. We can notice that the junior postdoctoral is an experience that can provide knowledge advancement and scientific and technological training, aiming at the application of results in many social sectors.


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How to Cite

Sousa, M. R. F. de, Machado, M. I. R., & Silva, J. H. da. (2022). Junior postdoctoral fellows’ commitment in the field of Biological Sciences in Brazil: Bibliometric analysis. Transinformação, 34, 1–10. Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/7233


