Evaluation of Automation Process in Brazilian University Libraries


  • Luiz Fernando Sayão
  • Carlos Henrique Marcondes
  • Carlos Cesar Fernandes
  • Ligia Polycarpo M. Medeiros


Bibliotecas Uníversitárias, Automação


An analysis of the results of the project "Evaluation of Automation Process in Brazilian University
Libraries" (PNBU/CNPq) is presented. The analysis relales of the design of software developed and/or used by Brazilian Universilies in lhe process of library automation. The results are analysed under lhe aspects (a) adequacy 01software 10015used lor lhe developmenl 01systems, and (b) development 01 bibliographical software. Statistical data are presented and the development of a model for Brazilian Universities Libraries is also introduced.


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How to Cite

Sayão, L. F., Marcondes, C. H., Fernandes, C. C., & Medeiros, L. P. M. (1989). Evaluation of Automation Process in Brazilian University Libraries. Transinformação, 1(2). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/1695

