Proposal for implementation of reverse logistics of ammunition in Brazilian public safety institutions in the light of Sustainable Open Innovation




Ammunition case, Open innovation, Public safety, Sustainability


This article is a proposal for a study aimed at improving the area of public safety (reverse logistics of spent ammunition in training), with the purpose of recycling the waste produced. Complex waste management problems afflict society and are already on the agenda of governments and legislators, but they are still a major challenge. This work aims to identify barriers and incentives to the implementation of reverse logistics of waste. Previously, the interests of the actors involved were characterized for the collaborative construction of reverse logistics solutions for the case of ammunition. The study also seeks to describe how the focus on collaborative open innovation processes, with a sustainable bias, can effectively contribute as opportunities to solve the challenges of an organization. Through qualitative methodology, interviews were conducted with police institutions and obtained from them, which are the internal or external obstacles to the implementation of reverse logistics, as well as the incentive measures of reverse logistics in order to direct and increase efforts to overcome obstacles. As a result, it was found that the obstacles pointed out by the interviewees are in the majority within the internal scope, with essential items. In this study, it was also possible to increase the current state of knowledge when it comes to the reverse logistics of spent ammunition cases.


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How to Cite

Haltenburg, N. R. P. de C., & Cândido, A. C. (2023). Proposal for implementation of reverse logistics of ammunition in Brazilian public safety institutions in the light of Sustainable Open Innovation. Sustentabilidade: Diálogos Interdisciplinares, 5.


