Language as hymn of the sacred from Hölderlin’s Heideggerian interpretation




Language, Nature, Poetry, Sacred, Affective tone


The article seeks to comment on the thesis launched by Heidegger in the final lines of his commentary on the poem “Like on a fest day…”, where the philosopher says that, based on this poem, Hölderlin’s poetry is no longer a song to the sacred or to nature, but rather a hymn of “the” sacred. Based on this statement, we first sought an
exposition of the notions of nature and the sacred in Hölderlin, followed by an outline for a language of nature based on some texts by the poet, which is essential for a possible hymn of the sacred. It is a theme that requires the need to identify in the poet’s production, especially in the late one, a suppression of the poet’s role as a creator,
to think of him as the “between” earth and sky, as the one who is not only human not only divine, i.e., the poet as an intermediary between gods and men. Only in this way, is it possible to think of a language of nature and, therefore, a hymn of the sacred, since the poet presents himself as the one who welcomes the gift of poetic song, which is the sacred making itself word in the poet’s heart.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, J. E. (2022). Language as hymn of the sacred from Hölderlin’s Heideggerian interpretation. Reflexão, 47.



Seção Temática: Análise da religião e suas formas em perspectivas diversas