Analysis of the criticism of oriental customs from the perspective of primitive Christianity through the apocryphal Acts of Thomas


  • Otávio Barduzzi Rodrigues da Costa Faculdade Orígenes Lessa, Curso de Direito.



Antiquity, Apocryphal, Religion


 This paperwork deals with the analysis of the book of the apocryphal book whose full text is translated from Syriac into English in The Apocryphal Acts of Thomas, by author Jan N. Bremmer, published in 2001 still untranslated to Portuguese. Evidently, there is no way to deal with this subject without analyzing the apocryphal writing of Acts of Thomas (ATh). The aim of this brief analysis is describe the considerations of one of the great scholars on apocrypha, primitive Christianity, the work Tomasina, namely Jan N. Bremmer and his guests. We also recommend reading it to everyone.


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How to Cite

Costa, O. B. R. da. (2022). Analysis of the criticism of oriental customs from the perspective of primitive Christianity through the apocryphal Acts of Thomas. Reflexão, 47.


