A reflection on the evangelical right and the September 11 attacks


  • Silas Luiz de Souza Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie




Right, Fundamentalism, Protestantism, American Protestantism.


This text is part of the effort to remember and reflect on the September 11 attacks against the United States of America. More specifically, it demonstrates the thinking of American evangelicals who, animated by the concept of manifest destiny, understand themselves as a divine light for the world while representing others as peoples to be civilized or destroyed as diabolical agents on earth. As a people guided by God, the accusation against the nation, made through the Bible, is that of having abandoned biblical principles and, therefore, weakened the country. Thus, the attacks were understood as God’s punishment because of national sins and as aggression by an enemy conducted by the Devil himself, which aimed to obstruct the national destiny of taking care of the world’s democracy and civilization. Although there were other visions, this one had greater repercussion, being defended by great names of the evangelical media in the country. In general, Brazilian evangelicals repeated the same ideas exposed in North America.


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Author Biography

Silas Luiz de Souza, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Centro de Educação, Filosofia e Teologia, Curso de História.


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How to Cite

Souza, S. L. de. (2021). A reflection on the evangelical right and the September 11 attacks. Reflexão, 46, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.24220/2447-6803v46e2021a5352



Seção Temática: O "11 de setembro", 20 anos depois