Determinism and undeterminism: a link from physics to the philosophy


  • Ramiro Délio Borges de Meneses


Determinism, Nature’s Laws, and W. Heisenberg principle


In this article, I explain the macroscopic aspect of the functions of Nature’s Laws that they are based on actual causality from n-physic structures. However, in the microscopic situation, the Nature’s Laws are statisticals and subjects sentences, that in
metric and objective indeterminism of wave-particle duality in fieri are ground. Meanwhile, we propose the philosophical foundations of properties of Nature’s Laws and your epistemological discussion, according to the W. Heisenberg’s principles condition. The uncertainty principle describes limits imposed by nature on the precision of simultaneous measurements of the position and momentum of an object.


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Author Biography

Ramiro Délio Borges de Meneses


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How to Cite

Meneses, R. D. B. de. (2015). Determinism and undeterminism: a link from physics to the philosophy. Reflexão, 30(88). Retrieved from


