Some considerations concerning the husserlian machinery and his phenomenological project


  • Alex Fabiano Correia Jardim


fenomenology, conscience transcendental, subject, sense


The text´s offer is to discurs some premiordial conceptions of the Husserl´s fenomenology and his implications in the affirmation
of a philosofy of the subject or of the conscience. By the treat of the theme, Husserl thinks the problem of the transcendental
by the start of the idea of conscience and the organization of the world or of the states of things white result of a designation
or production of sense immanent to the owner conscience that introduces itself white intentionality. One of the Husserl's
objectives main is to institute the conscience white gives of the sens and for that, he elaborates a big machinery conceptual that
will serve of support for all his work.


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Author Biography

Alex Fabiano Correia Jardim


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How to Cite

Jardim, A. F. C. (2015). Some considerations concerning the husserlian machinery and his phenomenological project. Reflexão, 31(90). Retrieved from


