
  • Sara López ESCALONA Universidad Catolica de Chile


The present essay is a philosophic-existentiaÊ study about death. This study presents the author’s thoughts on the subject: doubts,
fears and achievements connected to thts inevitabie human act. Death És approached from two specific perspectives, which
somehow have affected the treatment of the subject. The first perspective considers time-and-space, that of Latin America, particularly Chile in 1989; the second one is afemenÊne viewpoint. The essay approaches the subject from a reader-text dialogical standpoint. Its main aim is to confront each reader with his/her specific feelings about death.


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How to Cite

ESCALONA, S. L. (2024). EL MORIR COMO ACONTECER HUMANO. Reflexão, 22(67/68). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/reflexao/article/view/11143