Roots of islamophobia and arabophobia

a socio-theological dialogue between the biblical representations of Abraham, Hagar and Ishmael and their repercussions on society




Arabs, Bible, Islam, Islamophobia, Muslims, Abrahamic religions


Despite being part of Abrahamic religions, the clear exclusion and delegitimization of ancestral
roots of Islam ended up impacting the relationship between Jews, Christians and Muslims. This study presents a theoretical-reflective analysis of the traditional biblical stories of Abraham, Hagar, Sarah, Ishmael and Isaac, in order to identify contradictions and inconsistencies in these representations. We conclude that the way the stories are articulated reveals a context of disputes, segregation, rejection and prejudice that, added to the socioeconomic and cultural scenario of the time, contributed to the stereotyping and continuous reproduction of negative content about Arabs and Muslims. Such representations show some of the symbolic roots of Arabophobia and Islamophobia that have perpetuated a climate of hostility against these groups until the present day.


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How to Cite

Omais, S., & Santos, M. A. dos. (2024). Roots of islamophobia and arabophobia: a socio-theological dialogue between the biblical representations of Abraham, Hagar and Ishmael and their repercussions on society. Reflexão, 49.


