The nausea of home, dwelling-in-network




Strangeness, Existential Phenomenology, Place, Situationality


TThe experience of the pandemic launched us towards a new experience of the home, densification of living that is not something new but a reestrangement due to this new situatedness. Thus, the home appears intensely in the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic as nausea while a
dwelling-in-network. This text proposes to carry out nauseating descriptions of the home to understand the dynamics of the elasticity of the place, promoting a debate about four existential backgrounds, namely: base, movement, combat, and unexpected experiences during the quarantine. Forwarding to a re-estrangement of the home from his nausea.


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How to Cite

Moreira, T. R. ., & Marandola Jr., E. . (2022). The nausea of home, dwelling-in-network. Pós-Limiar | Título não-Corrente, 5, 1–11.



Dossiê Corporeidade, cidades e redes sociais virtuais