omission and disorder in discourses on feminism on twitter





Discourse Analysis, Feminism, Twitter


The aim of this investigation is observing the production of meanings mobilized by #mulherescomconstantino, posted on Twitter on November 4, 2020. Two questions guide the analysis: who were the main actors in this conversation network? What discourses and meanings were mobilized around women and feminism? We use a mixed theoretical-methodological source, with concepts and methods of social network analysis and discourse analysis. 35 tweets are analyzed. We point to evidence that the movement around #mulherescomconstantino used the platform’s affordances and its operating modes to amplify faked ideas about the feminist. Through the
discursive thread, it was possible to observe the wipe-off of the fact that triggered the conversation and a shift in subject positions between victim and person who is the object of the hashtag.


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How to Cite

Pagoto , L. ., Durgante, F. ., & Pinós da Costa, B. . (2022). #MULHERESCOMCONSTANTINO : omission and disorder in discourses on feminism on twitter. Pós-Limiar | Título não-Corrente, 5, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.24220/2595-9557v5e2022a5734



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