Social distancing and cancel culture

Whats's do "We" have to do with this?




Big Brother Brasil 21, Indifference, Presential, Virtual


The cancel culture and the social distancing are experiences that are very characteristic of contemporaneity. The first experience is much more connected to the experiences of virtual social relations and the second to the sanitary restrictions recommended to contain the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. When we look more closely, we see how the social cancel may it´s near about indifference and how social distancing has deepened, because the relations that were also before presential, now, for the most part, are virtual. We understand that these experiences are so togheter, not only with each other, but also with how they intensely changed between the
presential and the virtual, giving new meaning to both forms of relations, it is no longer possible to dissociate them. From this that we developed this text, considering the inseparability between the experiences of social distancing, cancel culture and indifference, as well as for presential and
virtual relationships and how this flow of meanings make the We and the places. Like example about these experiences, we will use the events of reality show Big Brother Brazil 21.


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How to Cite

Bernardes, A. (2022). Social distancing and cancel culture: Whats’s do "We" have to do with this?. Pós-Limiar | Título não-Corrente, 5, 1–9.



Dossiê Corporeidade, cidades e redes sociais virtuais