Structural equation modeling analysis of Iranian women’s food consumption: influence of socio-demographic characteristics and the Information, Motivation, and Behavioral skills Model
Diet, Latent class analysis, Social class, WomenResumo
This study aimed at examining whether food consumption varies in accordance with socio-demographic and behavioral factors in the conceptual model, analyzing adult women in Tehran, Iran, for that purpose.
This cross-sectional study was conducted with 247 women in childbearing age, who were selected through systematic cluster sampling from five regions in Tehran. Dietary assessment was done through a Food Frequency Questionnaire, and the anthropometric indices were measured. Data on socio-economic status and informationmotivation-behavioral skills model were obtained through a questionnaire. Then, subjects were stratified according to the socio-economic status and model components. Statistical analysis was done using analysis of variance and structural equation modeling.
Consumption of food groups among the participating women differed based on their living region, education, occupation, household expenditure, and model components (p<0.05). Intake of red and processed meat (p<0.05) was at the lowest level in illiterate or low educated women. Those with lower total expenditure had higher consumption of fats and oils (p<0.05). Women with higher perceived social support consumed more milk and dairy products (p<0.05), fats and oils (p<0.05), and less bread and cereals (p<0.05). Model components including information, attitude, social support, self-efficacy, and self-regulation were the most important factors negatively affecting the consumption of unhealthy foods (red and processed meat, fats and oils, sugar, and salty
Considering the impact of model components on women’s eating behaviors, the specific integration strategies delineated for each construct of the model can be utilized to design model-based interventions targeting the promotion of healthy nutritional behavior
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