Mastication in children and adolescents with overweight or obesity: a systematic review
Adolescent, Child, Mastication, Obesity, Stomatognathic systemResumo
Studies have shown that changes in mastication are related to overweight in children and adolescents as these changes influence the increase in food consumption. The objective of this article was to characterize, through a systematic review, the mastication in children and adolescents with overweight or obesity. For this, two independent authors performed a systematic review of the electronic databases: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Scopus, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health, Web of Science and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences. Masticatory characteristics were considered as primary outcomes; the methods of analyzing mastication, the physical characteristics of the foods/materials used in the analyses and the fasting time were considered as secondary outcomes. This review was prepared in accordance with the items of the preferential reports for systematic analysis and meta-analysis. The systematic review protocol was submitted to the International Prospective Registry of Systematic Reviews. Nine articles were included in this review. The reviewed articles suggest that children and/or adolescents with overweight or obese present masticatory damages because they have worse masticatory performance and altered orofacial myofunctional characteristics.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Renata Emmanuele Assunção SANTOS, Diego Cabral LACERDA, Maria Giselda da SILVA, Danielly Alves Mendes BARBOSA, Isabeli Lins PINHEIRO, Kelli Nogueira FERRAZ PEREIRA

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