Relationship of sociodemographic conditions with the formation of body image in Brazilian adolescents
Body Image, Physical Appearance, Public Health, TeenagerResumo
To investigate the associations between sociodemographic population conditions and adolescents’ body image
This is a cross-sectional study using data from the Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE, National School Health Survey), conducted in 2015. The objective was to analyze the relationship between students’ sociodemographic conditions and body image attending public and private schools in Brazil capitals and the Federal District. For the statistical analysis, we conducted the Poisson regression models, generating adjusted prevalence ratios and their respective 95% CI. In the multiple models, sociodemographic variables were included, which were significantly associated with body image variables (p<0.05) or which altered the prevalence ratios by at least 10%.
The research involved 10,926 adolescentes The analyses showed that the older the adolescents, the greater their dissatisfaction with their body. As for the school administrative status, students from private schools were more unhappy with their image (Girls: 33% and Boys: 17.6%) and, they tend to have more attitudes to lose weight (Girls: 42.8% and Boys: 28%). The mother’s level of education causes daughters to be more dissatisfied with their bodies (33.3%) and sons showing more attitudes of wanting to lose weight (26.6%).
Sociodemographic conditions are directly and indirectly associated with the adolescents’ body image. Negative deviations in body image can result in binge eating and social disorders hindering the development of these pubescent children. The consequences of these actions become a risk to health and psychological well-being, strongly supporting the initiative of programs aimed at issues related to body image in the school setting.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Leticia Spricido BATISTA, Hélida Ventura Barbosa GONÇALVES, Daniel Henrique BANDONI

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