Acceptability of peanut candy with different proportions of Kinako soy flour and substitution of sucrose by sucralose
Soy, Peanut, AcceptanceResumo
The aim of this research was to produce new formulations of peanut “paçoca” candy, replacing peanut flour with Kinako flour, and check if the addition of this ingredient bears a negative impact on acceptance.
Eight formulations of peanut “paçoca” candy, sweetened with sucrose and sucralose, were prepared with partial and total replacement of peanut flour by Kinako flour. The assessment of the acceptance was carried out by 121 tasters, using the 9cm unstructured hedonic scale. Willingness to purchase the different samples was evaluated by a 5-point scale. In addition, a sociodemographic questionnaire was applied. The results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey’s test.
Most of the survey participants stated that they rarely consume soybeans and/or soy derivatives. Regarding acceptance, among the eight formulations analyzed, samples sweetened with sucrose, containing either 100% peanut flour and 50% peanut flour replaced by Kinako flour, did not differ significantly between them (p<0.05) and were the most appreciated by consumers considering the flavor and overall impression attributes.
The results showed that replacing peanut flour with Kinako flour in peanut “paçoca” candy is feasible and that more sensory studies are needed to add this flour to other foods, to provide the nutritional benefits present in soybean.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mayra Fernanda Sousa CAMPOS, Cecília Teresa Muniz PEREIRA, Alessandra Cazelatto de MEDEIROS, Helena Maria André BOLINI

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