Cooking habits and food choices of individuals with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus during the pandemic of COVID-19
Cooking, COVID-19, Eating behavior, Healthy eating, Social isolationResumo
To verify the association between cooking habits, socioeconomic data, and food choices of individuals with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus during the pandemic of COVID-19.
Transversal study with individuals with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus carried out in July 2020. Socioeconomic data and information about social distancing and food practices were collected with an online form. The research was approved by the university’s Ethics and Research Committee (Process number 4.147.663).
Out of the 472 participants, 50.9% reported that they have been cooking more during the pandemic. An association between cooking more and having a university degree (p<0.000) was observed. Not being able to comply with social distancing rules because of work necessities was associated with not cooking (p=0.006). Cooking more during the quarantine was associated with eating less than five meals per day (p=0.04), having an appropriate consumption of fruits (p=0.02) and vegetables (p=0.04), and increased water intake (p=0.01).
In Brazil, the habit of cooking during the pandemic may represent an increase in domestic work, reinforced by social inequalities. Therefore, comprehending the cooking habits and food choices of people with diabetes may widen the perspectives of health professionals involved in the treatment of the disease and contribute to the elaboration of public policies that take the country’s inequalities into account. We emphasize the importance of investing in policies that encourage the development of culinary skills, as well as the habit of cooking as part of the actions of Food and Nutrition Education.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Manuela Maria de Lima CARVALHAL, Jeane Lorena Lima DIAS, Aline Leão REIS, Talita Nogueira BERINO, Gabriela Correia ULIANA

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