Factors associated with nutritional risk and appetite loss in long-aged older people
Aging, Geriatric Assessment, Longevity, Nutrition SurveysResumo
To analyze the factors that are associated with the nutritional risk and appetite loss of long-aged older people with two assessment instruments.
A cross-sectional and quantitative study was developed in Três Lagoas, a city in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The household data collection was conducted with 87 long-aged older adults (≥90 years) living in the community.
The risk of malnutrition, malnutrition, and the risk of weight loss were the dependent variables, assessed by the Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire and by the Mini-Nutritional Assessment – Short Form. The association with independent sociodemographic, general health, psychological, cognitive, and physical variables was analyzed using logistic regressions.
Most of the older adults were female (55.2%), with an average age of 93.3 years, and 1.4 years of schooling. According to the Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire, 34.5% of the older individuals were at risk of losing weight. As for the results of the Mini-Nutritional Assessment, 19.5% were classified as malnourished, and 39.1% at risk of malnutrition. A greater nutritional risk in both instruments was associated with the individual’s poorer self-perceived health, lower calf circumference, and presence of depressive symptoms. The greater the number of medications used, the lower the chance of weight loss. The agreement between the two instruments was low.
There was an association connecting malnutrition and appetite/weight loss with lower calf circumference, worse self perceived health status, and presence of depressive symptoms. These results can assist in interventions planning to reduce the nutritional risk and improve the life quality of older adults.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mariana de Paula SANTANA, Nadine Motta FIGUEIREDO, Sergio CHOCIAY JUNIOR, Tainá Aparecida SILVA, Rosimeire Aparecida Manoel SEIXAS, Bruna Moretti LUCHESI

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