Vitamin A deficiency regulates the expression of ferritin in young male Wistar rats
Ferritin, Iron deficiency, Receptors, transferrin, Vitamin A deficiencyResumo
Iron deficiency and vitamin A deficiency are two of the main micronutrient deficiencies. Both micronutrients are essential for human life and children’s development. This study aimed to investigate the effects of vitamin A deficiency on ferritin and transferrin receptors’ expression and its relationship with iron deficiency.
Five diets with different vitamin A-to-iron ratios were given to thirty five 21-day-old male Wistar rats (separated ingroups of seven animals each). The animals received the diet for six weeks before being euthanized. Serum iron and retinol levels were measured as biochemical parameters. Their duodenums, spleens, and livers were analyzed for theexpression of ferritin and transferrin receptors by Western Blotting.
Regarding biochemical parameters, the results show that when both vitamin A and iron are insufficient, the serum iron content (74.74µg/dL) is significantly lower than the control group (255.86µg/dL). The results also show that vitamin A deficiency does not influence the expression of the transferrin receptor, but only of the ferritin one.
Vitamin A deficiency regulates the expression of ferritin in young male Wistar rats.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mauricio RESTREPO-GALLEGO, Luis Eduardo DÍAZ, Juan David OSPINA-VILLA, Danny CHINCHILLA-CÁRDENAS

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