Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the NutriQoL® questionnaire to the Portuguese language: Brazilian version
Homebound persons, Nutrition therapy, Quality of life, Surveys and questionnairesResumo
The objective of this study was to translate and cross-culturally adapt the NutriQoL® into Brazilian Portuguese.
The NutriQoL® comprises 17 questions that evaluate the quality of life of patients receiving home enteral nutrition therapy. The methodological procedures included the translation from the Spanish version into Portuguese by two translators, synthesis of the translations, back translation, evaluation by a committee of judges composed of 24 individuals in which a content validity index > 0.78 was considered acceptable, and generation of the pre-final version.
A pre-test to analyze its semantic equivalence was administered to 12 patients receiving home enteral nutrition therapy. The final version of the questionnaire was then prepared.
A summary version of the questionnaire was obtained using two versions of the translation. Both back translations were identical for 73.6% of sentences (n=25). Twenty-four volunteers were included in the committee of judges. The content validity index was 0.88±0.11, and 14.7% (n=5) of questions had a low content validity index and were thus reformulated. In the pre-test, 35.3% (n=12) of items obtained low levels of understanding and required adjustment. In the preparation of the final version, the inconsistencies of the items mentioned were corrected and/or adjusted.
After completing the methodological procedures, a Brazilian Portuguese version of the NutriQoL® questionnaire was obtained. Following the validation process, it can be used by dieticians and other health professionals to assess the quality of life of patients receiving home enteral nutrition therapy to contribute to improvements in care practices.
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Copyright (c) 2022 João Paulo Lima de OLIVEIRA, Mônica Sabrina Ribeiro dos SANTOS, Hellen Custódio MACHADO, Sarah Leão Fiorini de AGUIAR, Lívia Garcia FERREIRA

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