Association between breakfast omission and abdominal adiposity in low-income adolescents
Adolescent, Breakfast, Nutritional status, ObesityResumo
To assess the association between breakfast omission, overweight/obesity, abdominal adiposity, and unhealthy lifestyle of low-income adolescents.
A cross-sectional population study involving 571 public school students aged between 15 and 19 years old. The habit of having breakfast was assessed using a form, checking the weekly frequency of a given meal and considered as breakfast omission when these adolescents did not have breakfast for at least 5 days in the past week. Sociodemographic and lifestyle variables (sedentarism, physical activity level, and sleep duration) were also assessed. Overweight/obesity was defined as a body mass index above a Z-score of +1, and the presence of abdominal adiposity was determined by a waist circumference/height ratio greater than 0.5. The association between breakfast omission and lifestyle variables was assessed using the chi-square test and a multivariate logistic regression of the anthropometric indicators.
The omission of breakfast was found in 31% of the adolescents and was associated with physical inactivity (p<0.001).
Regarding anthropometric indicators, breakfast omission was an independent factor for determining abdominal adiposity, with a 1.8 times greater chance of having this condition among those who omitted breakfast (p=0.037).
Omitting breakfast was frequent among the students assessed, and was associated with abdominal adiposity, a cardiometabolic risk factor. Investigation and early intervention are fundamental to change this behavior.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ana Raquel de Andrade Barbosa RIBEIRO, Danielle Franklin de CARVALHO, Anajás da Silva Cardoso CANTALICE, Mônica Oliveira da Silva SIMÕES, Alexandra TEIXEIRA, Carla Campos Muniz MEDEIROS

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