Cultural adaptation of the Child Feeding Questionnaire for use in Brazil
Child nutrition, Knowledge, Obesity, Preschool, Validation studyResumo
A methodological study aimed at performing the cultural adaptation of the Child Feeding Questionnaire for its use in Brazil.
We collected data in a city in the northeastern region of the state of São Paulo, between March and September 2018; seven judges assessed its language standardization, and 85 parents of preschool children performed the cultural adaptation.
The judges’ agreement level was above 80% for 54 of the 55 statements in the questionnaire. For the parents, the questionnaire is very good, they had no difficulties in using it; most of them understood the affirmative sentences and all parents considered the questionnaire important for the knowledge of child´s healthy eating. We estimated the internal consistency by considering the Kuder-Richardson coefficient for dichotomous variables, and the correlation of each item with the total score was also sought. The results showed values between 0.72 and 0.76, indicating a good consistency, which confirms the reliability of the Brazilian version of the questionnaire.
The Child Feeding Questionnaire was culturally adapted, aided by the parents. Future studies must be conducted in other Brazilian realities to allow the questionnaire to be widely used. It contributes to promoting the implementation of better practices in child feeding that favor healthy growth and development, as well as to encourage healthy habits in Brazilian families, and to reduce overweight and childhood obesity in the country.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rafaella Alves Silva, Jacqueline Pontes Monteiro, Claudia Benedita dos Santos, Marta Angélica Iossi Silva, Miriane Lucindo Zucoloto, Maria Cândida de Carvalho Furtado

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