Degree of food processing and its relationship with overweight and body adiposity in Brazilian adults
Adult, Eating, Food guide, Industrialized foods, ObesityResumo
To check the relationship of the degree of food processing with overweight and body adiposity in Brazilian adults.
Cross-sectional study with 670 adults (334 women and 336 men) aged 20-59 years in Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, based on population data collected using a questionnaire, 24-hour dietary recall interview, and anthropometric evaluation.
Consumed foods were categorized into four groups: unprocessed or minimally processed foods, processed culinary ingredients, processed foods, and ultra-processed foods. Poisson regression models were used to assess the relationship between degree of food processing and overweight and body adiposity.
The contribution of unprocessed or minimally processed foods to total energy intake was a protective factor for overweight in all quartiles. The contribution of ultra-processed foods to total energy intake was a risk factor for overweight in the highest quartile (prevalence ratio, 1.308; 95% confidence interval, 1.085-1.577). High energy intake from ultra-processed foods was a risk factor for excess adiposity in the highest quartiles.
Consumption of ultra-processed foods is associated with overweight and excess adiposity, whereas consumption of unprocessed and minimally processed foods is a protective factor for overweight.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Danielle Cristina Guimarães da Silva, Fabrícia Geralda Ferreira, Dayana Ladeira Macedo Pereira, Emanuele Louise Gomes de Magalhães, Giana Zarbato Longo

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