American cutaneous leishmaniasis, L. intermédia, Control the vetorsAbstract
This report focuses on aspects of the Entomological
Vigilance in relation to the vectorial role of Lutzomyia
intermédia in American cutaneous leishmaniasis which
adaptation to the residential environment caused changes in the epidemiological pattern of the disease. The analysis of the information includes collects of sandflies which took place when the cases in humans occurred, between November /92 and May /93 in the city of Capivarf, where it's been long since the last cases were reported. We have collected 191 samples of sandflies and the great predominance was of Lutzomyia intermédia (97.0%) in 14 places, 8 of them in rural areas, and 6 in urban areas. Aspects of the action to control the vectors in those areas are discussed in this reporto.
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