First recorded occurrence of the tapeworm family Bothriocephalidae Blanchard, 1849 (Pseudophyllidea), parasitizing Cichla monoculus (Cichlidae) at the lakes at Rio das Pedras Farm, Campinas (SP), Brazil


  • Maria Isabel Müller
  • Rubens Riscala Madi
  • Marlene Tiduko Ueta


Bothriocephalidae (Pseudophyllidea), Bothriocephalus cuspidatus, Cestodes, Cichla monoculus


In order to study the helminthological fauna of Cichla monoculus, samples were collected on a monthly basis from June 2005 through September 2006 from lakes at the Rio das Pedras farm, in the municipality of Campinas (SP), Brazil. A total of 38 fish were collected and taken to the Helminthology Laboratory at the Department of Parasitology, Institute of Biology at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), where the samples were processed in accordance with the standard procedures for parasite collection. Adult cestodes were found in the intestine and identified as Bothriocephalus cuspidatus with prevalence of 5.3%, mean infection intensity of 2 worms per fish and a mean abundance of 0.10. The cestode Proteocephalus microscopicus, a common parasite of C. monoculus, was found together with B. cuspidatus. This is the first report of the pseudophyllidean B. cuspidatus, parasitizing this species of fish.



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How to Cite

Müller, M. I., Madi, R. R., & Ueta, M. T. (2008). First recorded occurrence of the tapeworm family Bothriocephalidae Blanchard, 1849 (Pseudophyllidea), parasitizing Cichla monoculus (Cichlidae) at the lakes at Rio das Pedras Farm, Campinas (SP), Brazil. Bioikos, 22(1). Retrieved from


