Composition and structure of fish assemblage of the surf zone at Jaguaribe beach, Itamaracá (PE), Brazil


  • Fabio Magno da Silva Santana
  • William Severi


Beach seine net, Juvenies, Northeastern Brazil, Surf zone


The ichthyofauna of the surf zone at Jaguaribe Beach (07º43’08" to 07º45’32"S and 034º50’14" to 034º51’05"W), located on Itamaracá Island, on the northern coast of the state of Pernambuco, in northeastern Brazil, was analyzed between March 2005 and February 2006. Monthly sampling with a beach seine net (known locally as a picaré), was conducted during day and night hauls at low tide. A total
of 5,266 specimens, belonging to 95 species and 35 families, were identified. Carangidae and Engraulidae provided the highest number of species, with ten
each. Bairdiella ronchus, Anchoviella lepidentostole, Anchoa tricolor, Polydactylus virginicus, Lile piquitinga, Larimus breviceps, Lycengraulis grossidens,
Chirocentrodon bleekerianus and Pomadasys corvinaeformis were predominant, accounting for 75.4% of all specimens collected. The cluster analysis and
Multidimensional Scaling for species with a frequency of occurrence above 33.3% showed seasonal differences in assemblage composition during these months, thus reflecting an unequal occurrence and abundance among species in the dry and rainy seasons. Albula vulpes and Haemulon plumieri occurred together and
exclusively in the dry season, whereas Mugil sp., Trachinotus falcatus, Cathrops spixii and Conodon nobilis presented greater abundance and occurrence in the rainy season. The Jaguaribe Beach surf zone possesses a rich fish fauna, a high species diversity in most months, and a prevalence of small-sized individuals (<20cm) and juveniles, especially for commercially important species in the region.


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How to Cite

Santana, F. M. da S., & Severi, W. (2009). Composition and structure of fish assemblage of the surf zone at Jaguaribe beach, Itamaracá (PE), Brazil. Bioikos, 23(1). Retrieved from


