Growth performance of Nile tilapia fed on a diet supplemented with algae products
Algae, Growth, Ergosan, Oreochromis niloticus, Feed Supplement, TilapiaAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth performance and feeding behavior of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fed on diets with different algae supplement leveis. Two experiments were carried out with juvenile tilapia: 35 juvenile ti/apias (M= 7 7.34, 5D= 1. 04g) per tank were used in the growth performance experiment and 14 (M=130.25, 5D=29.87g) in the feeding behavior triai. The triais were conducted in 400L tanks, in a water recirculation system and controlled environment. A completely randomized design was used for both experiments, in which four supplement leveis (O, 0.25, 0.5 and 1% of supplementlkg) were tested. Growth performance parameters were evaluated after 25 days, while the voluntary feed intake ones in the tenth day. There was a positive linear correlation (p<0. O 7) between the dietary supplement levei and voluntary feed intake. Fish which received O. 5 and 1 % of feeding supplement showed greater standard lengths (p<0.07) and there was a positive linear correlation (p<0.05) between weight gain and the leve! of supplement in the diet. Thus, for Nile tilapia juveniles, this supplement improves feed intake and weight gain in a linear dose-response relationship. However, there was no improvement in feed conversion, indicating the need for further study concerning the use of dietary nutrients in fish fed a supplementary diet.
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