Cytogenetic analysis investigation in farmers exposed to pesticides


  • Anderson do Espírito Santo Pereira
  • Nathalia Zocal Pereira dos Santos
  • Leonardo Fernandes Fraceto
  • Renata de Lima


Cytogenetic analysis, Chromosome aberrations, Pesticide exposure, Cholinesterase inhibitors


This study aimed to evaluate the genotoxic effect in agricultura/ workers that are exposed to pesticides, using two different tests for evaluation; the cholinesterase and the cytogenetic. Ata time that we observed that indications of safety are not obeyed, what consequently, cause damages to their health as a neurotoxic effect, cancer and even death. The studied was conducted in agricultura/ workers residing in the city of São Miguel Arcanjo (SP) that has a major part of its economy directed to agricu!ture. The method was carried through cytogenetic tests and measures in the leveis of cholinesterase. These leveis were constantly dosed in the individuais working in agricu!ture; be!ieving that these do not reflect possib!e alterations in the genetic material. The resu!ts had shown a great number of individuais with genetic alterations (of 36 individuais analyzed, 21 had presented some type of alteration), what has lead us to a reflection in regards to the improper use of the pesticides, as we/1 as, not using proper personal protection equipment. This information has /ead us to be!ieve that the prob!em with this subject invo!ved a social and educationa! matter and that perhaps we should pay more attention to the health of agricultura! workers in the region.


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How to Cite

Pereira, A. do E. S., Santos, N. Z. P. dos, Fraceto, L. F., & Lima, R. de. (2010). Cytogenetic analysis investigation in farmers exposed to pesticides. Bioikos, 24(1). Retrieved from


