Elements of ferti/ity in Erythrina speciosa (Leguminosae, Faboideae)


  • Bruna Rafaella Zanardi Palermo
  • Kayna Agostini


Erythrina speciosa, Reproduction, Abortion, Fruit set, Seed production


Leguminosae is one of the /argest fami/ies in Angiosperms, and it is distributed in both hemispheres. Faboideae has about 430 genera and 13,800 species. Components of fertility studies are performed to verify fruit set and seed production. The aim of this survey was to verify the effects of the components of fertility in Erythrina speciosa. For this study the following scores were performed. 1) number of inflorescences/individua/, 2) number of flower/inf/orescences, 3) number of ovules/ovary, 4) number of fruits/individua/ and 5) number of seeds/ fruit. To accomplish this goa/ nine individuals of E. speciosa from Campinas and Piracicaba (SP), Brazil, were used. After the scores, it was obtained the following averages: 780.88 inflorescences/individua/; 799, 76 flower/inf/orescences; 74,93 ovules/ovary; 155,88 fruits/individua/ and 16,28 seeds/fruit. The largest number of developed fruits was registered in the inflorescence middle position, followed by the apical and basal position, respectively. Seed abortion occurs more frequently in fruit stalk position. Based on the results we can conclude that there is a large investment in flower production regardless the low fruit set, causing a great loss of energy for descendants of the species.


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How to Cite

Palermo, B. R. Z., & Agostini, K. (2010). Elements of ferti/ity in Erythrina speciosa (Leguminosae, Faboideae). Bioikos, 24(1). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/bioikos/article/view/569


