Rearing of mutton snapper Lutjanus analis subjected to different diets


  • Eduardo Gomes Sanches


Lutjanidea, Mariculture, Net cages


A number of studies have noted the /utjanidae as one of the main families of marine fish to be exploited commercially This study aims to evaluate the breeding of mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis) fed on by-catch and commercial feed. The fish were divided into three treatments (TI, T2 and T3) and were fed once a day. T1 was fed with commercial feed with 45% crude protein and 8% fat, T2 was fed with by-catch and T3 with by-catch with 10% shrimp added in. The experimental period lasted 90 days. The environmental variables (water temperature, oxygen leve/, salinity and transparency) were in accordance with the parameters considered to be ideal for the species. The results for survival, weight gain and specific growth rate demonstrated that there was no difference between T2 and T3, however, they were significantly higher (p<0.05) than T1. This experiment showed that by-catch could be used in the breeding of mutton snapper (L. analis), with good weight gain and growth results.


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How to Cite

Sanches, E. G. (2011). Rearing of mutton snapper Lutjanus analis subjected to different diets. Bioikos, 25(1). Retrieved from


