The hunting and keeping in captivity of wild animà'ls are largely practiced by the Brazilian people. ln spite of being forbidden by law in Brazil, the trade ofwild animais has its principal center in Rio de Janeiro State, particularly the fair of Caxias City in the municipality of Duque de Caxias in Baixada Fluminense.
The to.cus of this text on the ill-treating to which animais are submitted, specially the birds showed in that fair, discloses these facts, thus contributing to call the attention of people in general to the necessity of stopping the spreading of such trade, thereby reducing its frequency.
FEIRA de Caxias vende espécies em extinção. O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 21 jul. 1991, Grande Rio, p. 29.
JUPIARA, Aloy, ANDERSON, Carter. Rio é centro internacional de traficantes de animais. O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 21 jul. 1991, Grande Rio, p. 28.
JUPIRA, Aloy, ANDERSON, Carter. Brasil abastece cartel de animais silvestres. O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 22 jul. 1991. Grande Rio, p.29.