Newsletters latinoamericanas de curación: estudio de casos y visión experta
Curación de contenidos, Boletines, Correo electrónico, Fuentes de información, Información digitalResumo
This paper presents the first academic study, in literature, that investigate the content applied to independent Latin American newsletters. This research collects a sample of 12 newsletters from experts of recognized prestige in the area. To develop this research, a double methodology is applied, on the one hand, the Curation Analysis System evaluation protocol is applied and, on the other hand, semi-structured interviews, with five newsletters editors. This article confirms that all the newsletters adequately apply in dimensions of content and curation, and the Argentine newsletter Copano that obtains the best score. Regarding the results of the interviews, it confirms, among other things, the importance of the newsletter as one of the information products most respected by readers, and its strategic value for independent creators and media.
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